Sunday, July 10, 2011

"We provide...leverage."

Considering my excitement at the time, I'm not sure how I managed to forget to write about this! *lol*

Something pretty cool happened, I think it was Wednesday or Thursday of the week that Blackjack was open. I had heard from one of the managers a couple days before, that Timothy Hutton had been in the store the last three years in a row, so it wouldn't be a surprise if he showed up again this year. Most of the girls had no idea who he is, but I remember him from 1980's "Ordinary People," as well as the more recent TNT show, "Leverage." Wellllllllllllllll...the owner's wife came out one day and said, "I think he's here! I'm 90% sure it's him!" Ok, so I was thinking she was talking about  Mr. Hutton. Not too long after that, I saw him standing outside the cashier cage!! THEN...!!!! Who comes out of the store and through the cage out to where Timothy was standing? Freakin' CHRISTIAN KANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's just as hot in person as he is on TV!!!!! *giggle* I  wanted to go shake his hand and get a photo, but it was really busy at the registers, so I was kinda stuck. Oh well. It was still really cool to see those guys, especially since "Leverage" is such a great show. =)

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