Thursday, July 21, 2011


I always knew that blood was thicker than water. So wouldn't it stand to reason that blood would be thicker than other things as well? Politics, for instance? Apparently not. 
The other day, I posted to Facebook a simple video for a song by a member of my all-time favorite band. The video was nothing more than one man's opinion from 1994 of someone who happens to be in the news currently. Things got a bit heated because the first comment to be posted was from a friend who insulted the writer of the song. Of course, I had to jump in to defend said musician. Apologies were made, and things were cool....or so I thought.
Anyone who truly knows me knows how I feel about politics: epic dislike!! I am able to "agree to disagree" if things remain civil, but I would much prefer to not discuss politics at all. Well, a family member had added 2 rather lengthy comments to the post by the time I got up today, and not only were they completely out of context with the video, but they were also a bit on the rude side. I defended my stance, but was essentially told I was wrong...even about my own reasons for posting the video in the first place! There was no "agreeing to disagree" this time, because the person in question was being extremely stubborn in their viewpoint and not willing to listen to mine.
Eventually I deleted the entire thread in order to keep things from escalating further...but later on I found out that this family member who was being so bullheaded had actually deleted me from their Facebook!! Seriously?!? Life is too short for this kind of immature crap!!!
I am willing and able to admit when I'm wrong, but in this case the only thing I was wrong about is blood being thicker than politics...


  1. That's not cool. I don't particularly like politics either, but whether you agree or disagree that is nothing to pretty much delete a family member for. -Tiff

  2. Exactly!!!! I'm still annoyed by the whole thing, because I emailed the family member in question, saying that there's no reason for things to get so heated (especially over politics!!) that one person deletes the other, and that family is too important to let this kind of crap get in the way...but I never heard back. *rolling eyes*
