Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy 3 Months To Me!!!!

I've been involved with Goodwill Job Connections since mid-May, my "case worker" being an awesome lady named Marilyn. Marilyn and I hit it off immediately, and she's been extremely encouraging during my job search.

I was at one of the 30-minute workshops last week, and another lady who works at Job Connections told me that I "need to work for Goodwill." She suggested I look on the website to see if any cashier positions were open. I did, but there were no openings. After this week's workshop, I chatted with Marilyn for a few minutes, and she asked me to fill out a Goodwill application, and to make sure her name was on it as a reference. She also suggested I put a resume with it, because she's been telling various managers about me! I filled out the app and left it for Marilyn, then headed home.

Thursday early afternoon I got a call from the manager at the Goodwill in Fisher's Landing, which is Vancouver eastside. She told me that Marilyn had given her my resume and said I'd be a perfect fit as a cashier for the store...and would I be available for an interview the next morning at 11? YES!!!!!!!!

Friday 11 am:  I showed up for my interview, but the manager only had my resume. Apparently, Marilyn didn't give her the application I'd already filled out. I was a bit peeved that I had to take time to fill out another one, but thankfully I had all the info with me. When I was finished filling out app #2, the interview began. It lasted about an hour, the manager talking to me first, then the assistant manager coming in for a few minutes after that. I was given a 27 question math test...oh, great. Math is not my strong suit, so I was pretty stoked when I was told that I could use scratch paper and/or a calculator!! The manager came back in after I was finished (I checked that test twice!), and said that up to 5 wrong answers were allowed for a passing grade. I told her that it was pretty easy, except for one question that confused me. She asked which one, and I told her it was #6. She said that EVERYONE misses that question, because it had to do with balancing a till at the end of the night and the amount of cash that was made during the course of the shift. Turns out, I got it right!!!! In fact, I got 100% on the test!!!! YAY!!!! After the test, the manager said, "Well, I'm making you a contingent job offer!" SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! This job is a direct answer to prayer: PERMANENT, FULL-TIME, BENEFITS!!!!! I am beyond stoked for this, not just because it's a job, but because it's my area of expertise: face-to-face customer service!!

But first things first...I was sent Downtown to do a drug test. I need to pass that, as well as a criminal background check in order to be officially hired. Both records are 100% spotless, so all I need to do is wait for Corporate to get in touch with my manager to let her know I've passed the screens, then she can let me know where I need to go for training on Monday and Tuesday, August 8th and 9th. All I know is that it's in Portland (LOVE!!).  After that, I'm not sure when I'll actually be starting in the store, but I do know that my schedule will be pretty much set, with 2 consecutive days off each week...very cool!!! Yeah, Baby, yeah!!!

I am so thankful to God for this opportunity, and thankful for all the people who have been praying for me. I find it really neat that it happened on my 3-month anniversary of moving to the PNW...3 is a great number! ;-)

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