Thursday, December 15, 2011

Snow Blessed!!

I have to be honest and say that I've been feeling a bit jealous the last few weeks. Why? Well, I've seen on Facebook other people announcing their engagements...with photos and video! As beautiful and perfect as it was, part of me has been wishing my own engagement would have been like that.

But just last night I realized something...I might even go so far as to call it an epiphany. It dawned on me how incredibly blessed I am that the only witness to my engagement on that stunning November day in the pure, sparkling snow on Mt. Hood was the Creator of that glorious day, the One who brought my wonderful Mark and me together in the first place, the One who made our fairy tale possible at!! Thank You, Jesus...what an amazing gift!!!

1 comment:

  1. That's how I want it to be- no audience- but I'd like pictures, so it might be necessary... que sera sera, I guess.... I'd like to see a new post when you have time. :-)
