Sunday, June 26, 2011

A Quick Note

I'll be leaving for Celebrate Recovery in a few minutes, but I did want to talk just a bit about the amazing blessings of this particular group.
I found it whilst taking a drive last month after a particularly emotional service at the La Center Church. It's in Woodland, which is the next town to the North. They're a new and extremely small CR, especially compared to the one I left at Rocky Peak. Everyone there is very friendly and welcoming. I've already given my testimony, and Christy and Bill even about a blessing!
Well, last week, I was asked by one of the leaders to start praying about becoming involved in their leadership, since I have 4 1/2 years of CR "experience," as well as having previously completed a Step Study. I feel honored to have been asked to step up, and I totally see this as another opportunity given to me by the Lord. I almost feel obligated to accept, but not in a forced sort of way: God has placed in my path an open door to serve my sisters in Christ, and I count it a privilege to accept my rightful place in this most amazing ministry.

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